Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yeah! I finally started a blog!

Yes, my sister Jessica is making me do this! Let's see how it goes...


Shane and Myra - Est. 9/9/99 said...

Whoa! Good job on blogging! Keep us posted better than I do! I'll add you to my blog soon.... I am terrible at blogging!

Tara Mogle said...

Jasmin, oh my heck is it really you? I am so glad I found your blog. Jessica found me on facebook and so I was checking out her blog...hoping to find you and I did!!! I have thought of you often since I moved so long ago. We have only talked a handful of times and I haven't seen you for so long. I would love to know what you have been up to, where you are living, and how everything is going for you! Please keep in touch....your baby is adorable
love ya

Shane and Myra - Est. 9/9/99 said...

Update us already Jasmin!!!